Monday, February 04, 2013

Forgotten post from Thanksgiving

   I’ve been reading what everyone is saying they are thankful for, and I didn’t know what to say.  So I did something I tell my kids here to do.  I sat down, stayed quiet, breathed deep, and waited and listened for my heart to tell me what it was feeling.  Here’s what surfaced:

  I’m thankful for my friends, both those who share my faith and those who don’t, who’ve been keeping up with what’s going on with us here, and have been giving support and friendship through it all.  You have no idea how much even littlest encouraging comments have been helping me through the days.  And for those who’ve stayed even closer and know more, I couldn’t do this without you.

  I’m also more thankful than I’ve ever been before for my parents.  Every day I’m here, I realize more and more how much they gave me, how much they loved me, how much they made me who I am.  Thank you for being the parents God wanted you to be.  And thank God for giving you to me.

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