My boss, my boyfriend, and I run a set of free Bible classes every Monday morning at a local elementary school. It's early. The kids are sometimes brats. It's a Monday morning! We don't always like it. It's tempting to quit, but isn't this what laying up treasures in heaven is? What will a few more hours sleeping in on Monday morning mean to me in eternity, in comparison to being able to see one of these kids there?
Sometimes, when we ask other Christians for help, they aren't so keen on it. It isn't paid and it's a yucky time. However, we recently asked two buddhists/daoists to help, and they said "yes" with almost no hesitation. Make of that what you will.
Helping from a distance by offering the Art of Wire Tree-making. To give a person a tree is to give them a teach a person how to make a tree is a gift for life.
I would also like to include The BIBLE---Ancient Version. Of course, you are free to help yourself to anything you find while walking through Ancient's History
your humble servant,
Ancient Clown
Umm... thanks... I think.... I'm not sure I really got what that's all about.
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